Monday, August 10, 2009

A Designer's Handbook in the 18th Century

“Le dessinateur pour les fabriques d’etoffes d’or, d’argent, de soie” by Joubert de l’Hiberderie was published in Paris in the early 18th century. He gave some useful pieces of advice about what to learn in order to become a successful designer .

“ I would never advise any parent to make his or her child study the art of drawing except in the case where the child was immensely talented and showed his enthusiasm for the art. “

Then, he goes on to say, before being taught the art of drawing, the future designer should spend two years in the factory where the object of his design will be made. There he would have the opportunity to understand its technical constraints.

At this point he would be ready to begin the study of figure drawing. In mastering the art of drawing the human body he would develop a line that is real and precise. He will then go on to study the rendering of flowers…

Design attributed to Jean Francois Bony (1754-1825)

Design by Philippe de Lasalle (1723-1804)

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Francis Bacon: A Centenary Retrospective

Is Francis Bacon ( as Cavaraggio) admired because he was supposed to be a bad boy and not because he was a good painter? Francis Bacon's paintings arrive in New York at a moment when wrongheaded traditions are the only ones that are widely esteemed …… Read the article of Jed Perl, The New Republic.

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