Friday, October 23, 2009

Home Decor Inspiration at FIAC 2009


FIAC is one of the big annual art expos in Paris during the month of October. The name FIAC stands for International Fair of Contemporary Art. This year I noticed that many exhibiting artists were inspired by home decor.





The Background of a Hostage Incident, 2009 by the Art & Language Group. The Art & Language group was founded in 1968 in the United Kingdom by artists Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge(b. 1941), Michael Baldwin (b. 1945) and Harold Hurrell (b. 1940), four artists who began collaborating around 1966 while teaching art in Coventry .


The Art Gallery BISHOP/WEISS exhibits workd by Matt Golden. Matt studied sculpture at the Royal College of Art in London, UK.. ( CV)



Grotto, 2008, by Bettina Buck.

Bettina Buck is a German artist, born in 1974, who studied Fine Arts in Cologne and London. She is represented at FIAC by the Italian Gallery MONITOR.



Empathy by Gyula Varnai.

He is an Hungarian artist born in 1956 who studied mathematics, physics and music. He is represented at FIAC by ACB.


Table Wear


Tea Pot with Shadow by Hand Peter Feldmann.

Hans Peter Feldmann is a German artist born in 1941.



Table by Thomas Smith.

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